The ERAdiate team has welcomed three new staff members since February 2018: Yannick Cornet, Paulína Böhmerová and Shahab Khormali.
Dr. Cornet, whose research expertise and interests fall under the umbrella of “sustainable transport appraisal and transition”, joined the ERAdiate team in February as a Senior Researcher in Intelligent Transport Systems. In the context of the MoTiV project implemented by ERAdiate, he is currently researching smartphone-based, multi-modal diaries for collecting experiential data on travel time, with a focus on providing more visibility to the diversity of needs and preferences from the travellers’ perspective in door-to-door journeys.
Mgr. Böhmerová worked for ERAdiate and MoTiV for two months (May-June) and contributed to the projects by supporting research activities, assisting in the preparation of project proposals, and monitoring the quality of project outputs and reports.
Dr. Khormali started in June as a Senior Researcher in Intelligent Transport Systems. His expertise encompasses electrical energy management systems, electric vehicles, battery energy storage systems, and optimization theory and its applications.
ERAdiate is also pleased to welcome back Dr. Anna Závodská who was initially Business Developer from March to September 2017. As of June, she is involved both in ERAdiate and MoTiV projects, on a part-time basis.
Nathalie Lugano started her maternity leave at the end of June. The ERAdiate team wishes her good luck for the last weeks of her pregnancy and thanks her wholeheartedly for her excellent contribution to the project. A job opening for her replacement has been posted on the ERAdiate website and the application deadline is 10th July.