A two-day training workshop was organised by the University of Žilina on 16-17 October 2017, in the framework of the project no. 004ŽU-2/2016 ‘’Increasing the quality of higher education at the University of Žilina through internationalisation’’. The main objectives of the training course were to develop doctoral students’ skills for the preparation of EU-funded projects, notably to acquire stylistic and formal project writing skills, to recognise the most frequent mistakes when preparing a proposal, to create a plan for project preparation and finally to put the acquired knowledge in practice.
On the first day, the speakers of the event (Dr. Giuseppe Lugano from ERADiate and Dr. Zuzana Kurillova from FBI, UNIZA) presented their experiences and best practices in preparing a Horizon 2020 project proposal. Afterwards, PhD. students were given the opportunity to discuss their struggles and first successes in this regard.
The second day was focused on hands-on training on proposal writing. The lecturer, Mrs. Danica Hullova from the Education Center for Non-Profit Organizations (CVNO), prepared concrete and practical exercises for teamwork. The discussion followed and the students examined the other teams’ results in order to develop their skills.
The students’ experiences, especially in proposal writing, and contacts will be used to further support their international academic growth.
The participants found the Training workshop very useful and committed to promote the next sessions. However, they suggest opening this event also to professors, who have an important role in writing project proposals.
UNIZA is organising the second edition of this Training on 7-8 February 2018.
The programme (in SK)